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Editor: Market Whisperer Whispers

27 Apr, 2004
He whispers in dulcet tones and you can hear a penny drop. I can only be talking about one person, yes, Alan Greenspan. Over the years he has impressed and intrigued me.
Noel Campbell image

Finding the Trades

Noel Campbell 27 Apr, 2004
Those clients who have attended a Trading Tactics Seminar in 2004, have been part of the new improved format. The feedback from those clients who have come back in 2004 as re-attendees has been excellent.
Aaron Lynch image

ABC Trading - Outside Day Entry

Aaron Lynch 27 Apr, 2004
When starting out with the ABC trading system most traders identify the pattern and set their milestones based on their anticipated Point C. The following day the market will either confirm their view and the trade is entered or the anticipated signal will not be forthcoming.

Rolling In RIO

27 Apr, 2004
The compelling attraction of options for most traders has to be the leverage and flexibility. It is this flexibility element that I want to touch on this week. As it is theoretically impossible to develop a trading strategy that is right 100% of the time, there will be times when markets move against us.

Editor: Being A Worry Wart

19 Apr, 2004
Sometimes the markets just want something to worry about. In the US the big worry last month was the so-called jobless recovery. Then super employment growth figures were announced and guess what, the market was still worried.

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