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Jordan Craw

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Jordan began working with HUBB Financial in 2001. With over 10 years trading experience Jordan is the Trading Team Manager for optionsXpress Australia. He has a detailed knowledge of stocks, options, foreign exchange, futures and CFDs. Always aiming to be the contrarian, Jordan’s key area of expertise is market sentiment which he utilizes in a holistic approach to market analysis that also includes technical, fundamental and economic measures.

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Conventional Wisdom

30 Nov, 2009
With the benefit of twenty twenty hindsight, it is little wonder the Financials sector has been such a strong performer since the March low, after all it was among the worst performers leading into it.

Caveat Rally

9 Nov, 2009
Accepted truths are an interesting concept, especially in the stock market. In February this year, the fact that banks, the stock market and the economy were all falling apart was an accepted truth.

Home On The Range

5 Oct, 2009
Recent comments from the Reserve Bank of Australia suggest an impending boom in house prices.


28 Sep, 2009
No doubt many have heard of the connections between Elliott Wave and Gann Theory.

Retracing Volume

7 Sep, 2009
Ask a professional from almost any field of endeavor and they will almost certainly agree that performing the basics well is vital to success.

Contrary to Popular Opinion

28 Aug, 2009
Looking back through articles from earlier this year How Sold Are We and A Standard Rally, it is clear I was initially skeptical of the March low and subsequent rally.

What is Your Bias?

10 Aug, 2009
A diversified approach is important in any investment strategy. There are varying levels of diversity from Macro to Micro levels.

Hammering Wave 4

13 Jul, 2009
There has been much written about the origin of candlestick charting and its uses so I won’t bore you with the standard story.

Is it Really Golden?

6 Jul, 2009
Moving averages (MAs) are often the first technical indicator learnt when studying technical analysis, and why not they are straight forward and help gauge where a market is in relation to its history.

Gaps - Fade or Follow?

12 Jun, 2009

The market myths that many people seem to hold as truth often amaze me. One from an Australian perspective is that if the US Market has a down day (overnight in Australia) the Aussie market will finish lower the next day. No doubt a similar belief may be held in the States regarding Australian and Asian markets, though I am sure their movements are far less publicized.

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