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Jordan Craw

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Jordan began working with HUBB Financial in 2001. With over 10 years trading experience Jordan is the Trading Team Manager for optionsXpress Australia. He has a detailed knowledge of stocks, options, foreign exchange, futures and CFDs. Always aiming to be the contrarian, Jordan’s key area of expertise is market sentiment which he utilizes in a holistic approach to market analysis that also includes technical, fundamental and economic measures.

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Top Down Analysis

23 Apr, 2010
We continue to see enquiries at Hubb about sector based analysis. No doubt due to the fact it is taught at a variety of seminars and of course because of the inherent value in doing sector analysis. With that in mind let’s take a look at how a top down approach can be employed.

Trading Tests

9 Apr, 2010

Trading a break of a trend line is one of the oldest technical trading methods around. Like all trading signals, it has its share of false breaks. However, there are a few simple methods to help weed out these false signals.

Exchange Traded Fun

26 Mar, 2010

The last few years have seen Exchange Traded Funds or ETFs, become exceptionally popular, especially in the United States. This popularity is well justified as ETFs offer an easy way of gaining exposure to stock groups and commodities.

Commodity Play Revision

5 Mar, 2010

Ever written something and upon reading it later realize you didn’t say quite what you meant to? Well that’s exactly what happened recently with my previous article on the hidden foreign exchange risks that often exist in trading instruments based in a currency other than your own.

The Gap Myth

1 Mar, 2010
The market myths that many people seem to hold as truth often amaze me. One from an Australian perspective is that if the US Market has down day (overnight in Australia) the Aussie market will finish lower the next day.

Commodity Play

5 Feb, 2010

Forbes recently conducted interviews with a number of billionaires to get their views on the year ahead. When asked about his view on Gold, the owner of the Dallas Mavericks, Mark Cuban said, "Gold is a religion; it's not an asset class. It is always a bubble, so I am a sell."

The Best, the Worst and the ASX 200

29 Jan, 2010

2009 was a year of recoveries – for the economy, the financial system and battered stocks. Reading varied financial research over the past few months, there have been a number of themes that are consistent. These being firstly that after the ‘economic sweet spot’ in the third quarter of 2009, the speed of the recovery will slow in 2010. Flowing on from this is the idea that 2010 will see more a stock picker’s market compared to 2009 where almost all ships were lifted with the tide.

It's All Relative

11 Jan, 2010
Over the previous period of bear market action I had been continually dismayed by statistics used in the mainstream media.

Bring Back The Uptick Rule

24 Dec, 2009
What was the SEC thinking leading up to July 6th 2007? That is the day when the uptick rule - a rule in place since 1934 to help keep markets orderly - was removed.

Exchange Traded Fun

7 Dec, 2009
The last few years have seen Exchange Traded Funds or ETFs, become exceptionally popular, especially in the United States.
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