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Jordan Craw

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Jordan began working with HUBB Financial in 2001. With over 10 years trading experience Jordan is the Trading Team Manager for optionsXpress Australia. He has a detailed knowledge of stocks, options, foreign exchange, futures and CFDs. Always aiming to be the contrarian, Jordan’s key area of expertise is market sentiment which he utilizes in a holistic approach to market analysis that also includes technical, fundamental and economic measures.

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A Model of Misconception

30 May, 2011
Sometimes when we learn the detail about something, we lose sight of the big picture. This problem is so common there are even clichés for it, like ‘...can’t see the forest for the trees...”

Top Down Analysis

9 May, 2011
We continue to see enquiries about sector based analysis, no doubt due because its value and the fact it is taught at a variety of seminars due to that value. With that in mind, this time let’s take a look at how a top down approach can be employed.

Relative Comparison

25 Apr, 2011
As the old saying goes, “Everything is relative.” This certainly rings true in trading. It is important to ensure that things are compared on relative terms.

Pre-computed Scans

21 Mar, 2011
Investors have more instruments at their fingertips than ever before. The main cause of this is the increase in Depository Interests (discussed in my past article titled Depository Interests), Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs), Depository Receipts, and various derivatives.

Depository Interests

28 Feb, 2011
There are certainly plenty of examples to support the old cliché that ‘the world is becoming a smaller place’ – at least in some ways.

Resisting Support

7 Feb, 2011
I find market myths fascinating. There is the outright fantastic like the idea that as dress hemlines on the catwalk rise, so do stock prices.

Navigating Instruments

20 Dec, 2010
This week’s Trading Tutors article is aimed at those using HUBB Financial software products, whether that be ProfitSource, OptionGear, ValueGain, the flagship Integrated Investor or the free HUBB Investor (www.hubbinvestor.com ).

Billion Dollar Book

6 Dec, 2010
Aaron Sorkin’s ‘The Social Network’ is what I would describe as a very well constructed film.

Relative Comparison

22 Nov, 2010
As the old saying goes, “Everything is relative.” This certainly rings true in trading. It is important to ensure that things are compared on relative terms.

Top Down Analysis

15 Nov, 2010
Top Down style analysis is used by professional investors, traders and analysts the world over.
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