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What is the purpose of a complaint? You expected someone or a company to deliver some product or service and they either didn’t deliver or did not deliver it in the way you expected them. So you complain. What happens next?
Whose opinion is more important to you, yours or someone else’s? Are you inner driven or outer driven? Your answers to these questions will determine your trading success or failure.
The importance of Trading Psychology is becoming more and more pertinent these days as bad news shows up all around us.
Where you stand determines your perspective. Remember the story of four blind men and the elephant?
How did cavemen and cavewomen feed themselves? They hunted and gathered.
I want to get there fast. Let’s fast track.
Strong emotions and successful trading do not mix. I have often made the point that trading needs to be boring.
There is a lot of fear around, maybe rightly so. There is also a lot of exaggeration out there, maybe wrongly so.
You don''t have to struggle to get more money into your life.
What motivates you? Is it pain or pleasure? Most people would answer “Pleasure”. Experience shows otherwise. Think of two scenarios for a moment: 1) you make 10,000 in the market 2) you lose 10,000 in the market.