Articles for: Elliott Analysis
A very interesting question from one reader
As I watched the markets this week – well up to Thursday when I write my column
Welcome to Part 10 of my series on the Greeks. In my last article, we dealt with the sign in front of each Greek (+ or -) changing throughout the life of the trade.
The G20 meeting in Washington last weekend left much to be desired.
Our world of finance, of greed, of desperation to survive reeks of panic.
Yes I know I am a worry wart but there are some insidious things happening that are causing me concern.
Sean writes: ‘Around the middle of this year you gave us your thoughts on where you thought the SPI was headed.
John Jeffery
24 Oct, 2008
Bonds are interest rate instruments which often emit clues as to where the equity market might go.
As OPEC meet to decide on production cuts, that they think may or may not affect the price of oil, I thought I would contemplate what may happen regardless of what OPEC do.
My brain is teaming with issues related to the looming global recession and China. I will try and deal with them succinctly.