Articles for: Elliott Analysis
Ken Paddison
15 Aug, 2008
For those readers who have not contemplated options I am going to write a short series of articles in the coming weeks - in small ‘bites’ at a time.
As I watch the DOW going up and down like a yoyo I ask myself again who is buying and sorry - what they are smoking.
As you know I am quite happy to take questions and weave the answers into the editorial where appropriate.
Well well wouldn’t you know it? The banks have finally declared an increase in provisions for write offs.
Yes this is typical of the devil, lurks does the damage and disappears.
John Jeffery
18 Jul, 2008
At the very beginning of the year there were a multitude of shares that looked like they were offering value.
Banks are really on the nose at the moment and no-body wants to go near them.
I was given a generous gift voucher for a major and quality department store and I went there last Saturday but I am sorry to report I could not spend the money.
The papers have been telling us that this has been the worst fiscal year for the equity markets since year dot or when Adam was a kid.
Congestion can be a useful guide to a breakout and if you get the right direction you can make money a plenty.