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Articles for: ProfitSource

Jordan Craw image

The Gap Myth

Jordan Craw 1 Mar, 2010
The market myths that many people seem to hold as truth often amaze me. One from an Australian perspective is that if the US Market has down day (overnight in Australia) the Aussie market will finish lower the next day.
Tom Scollon image


Tom Scollon 1 Mar, 2010
I read with interest Jordan’s article before I wrote my editorial and coincidentally it was a subject about which I planned to write but from a different perspective.
Mathew Barnes image

Update on the Euro

Mathew Barnes 22 Feb, 2010
2010 has been a negative year for the Euro so far. In recent times, concerns over the economic conditions in Greece have seen the value of the European currency deflated, but right now it is holding around a key level.
Tim Walker image

2-Day Swing Charts

Tim Walker 15 Feb, 2010
We left off in Issue 343 with a very brief reference to the ‘Christmas Rally’. This is a very useful little pattern, to look for a run up from a mid-December low to a top in early January.
Tom Scollon image

Markets are just plain weak

Tom Scollon 15 Feb, 2010
No matter what market you look at they are all weak right now – our local market, global equity markets, commodities.
Jordan Craw image

Commodity Play

Jordan Craw 5 Feb, 2010

Forbes recently conducted interviews with a number of billionaires to get their views on the year ahead. When asked about his view on Gold, the owner of the Dallas Mavericks, Mark Cuban said, "Gold is a religion; it's not an asset class. It is always a bubble, so I am a sell."

Mathew Barnes image

To Parity and Beyond? Not yet...

Mathew Barnes 5 Feb, 2010

The strong Australian Dollar seems to be common knowledge wherever I go. Everyone is talking about the magic word “parity” and wondering when the value of the Australian Dollar will exceed the value of the US Dollar.

Tom Scollon image

A likely scenario?

Tom Scollon 5 Feb, 2010

As I search to fathom out the melee of the last couple of weeks I try and contemplate likely scenarios. I say likely as to talk of just possible scenarios is really just sitting on the fence and I am not good at that. Nor can I say I am good at picking short term moves. I say ‘moves’ as I am inclined to think a short term ‘trend’ is almost a contradiction of terms. I do not aspire to pick the short term moves but only to understand them as a foundation to at least the medium term move ahead.

Jordan Craw image

The Best, the Worst and the ASX 200

Jordan Craw 29 Jan, 2010

2009 was a year of recoveries – for the economy, the financial system and battered stocks. Reading varied financial research over the past few months, there have been a number of themes that are consistent. These being firstly that after the ‘economic sweet spot’ in the third quarter of 2009, the speed of the recovery will slow in 2010. Flowing on from this is the idea that 2010 will see more a stock picker’s market compared to 2009 where almost all ships were lifted with the tide.

Tim Walker image

Trades to Take and Others to Avoid

Tim Walker 22 Jan, 2010

When last we looked at Santos I left you with a little challenge to spot why I wouldn’t take an ABC short trade that was signalled on Tuesday 1 December. How did you go? It’s not too late to go and have a look now before you read on. The simple reason was that Point B, which occurred on 27 November, sat on the 50% level of a major range. To find this we look at the Weekly Chart, as follows.

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