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Articles for: Australia

Andrew Page image

What, me worry?

Andrew Page 29 Jan, 2009
In November of 2007, after five years of phenomenal growth, the Commonwealth Bank of Australia touched a new record high of $62.16. Of course since then the bank, which was the very definition of a solid blue chip company, has since dropped over 60%, last week returning to levels not seen since early 2003.
Tom Scollon image

Just Contrarian

Tom Scollon 29 Jan, 2009
As I sit and write my editorial – sitting on 100% cash and watching markets rise solidly over the last few days – I challenge my conviction.
Ken Paddison image

Trading with Safety Using Options

Ken Paddison 23 Jan, 2009
A question I’m constantly asked is, “how do you trade this type of market?” Well, if you must trade in this market then do it safely and yes that is possible.
Andrew Page image

Turn adversity into advantage

Andrew Page 23 Jan, 2009
From an investor’s point of view, it would be dangerous to think that things will turn around quickly and rush to buy up stock purely because they are “cheap”.
Tom Scollon image

Will we love again

Tom Scollon 23 Jan, 2009
Will we love again? Will we ever reach a time when we can relax about our job, our mortgage, about our life time savings, go out and have a great time and not worry about tomorrow?
Aaron Lynch image

SITM Monthly Jan 2009

Aaron Lynch 16 Jan, 2009
Welcome back to Safety in the Market in 2009 as we kick off the year!
Noel Campbell image

BHP - A Follow-up

Noel Campbell 16 Jan, 2009
Welcome to all our Safety in the Market traders to this month’s newsletter and of course Happy New Year.
Tom Scollon image

Maybe gold is a 'Noah' white dove

Tom Scollon 16 Jan, 2009
I am sure most of you will recall how Noah let out a white dove from his ark after he thought the great floods were over.
John Jeffery image

A Thorny Subject

John Jeffery 12 Jan, 2009
With the equity markets still in disarray from the tight global credit environment, many observers will be looking forward to 2009 with continued pessimism.
Andrew Page image

Load Up

Andrew Page 12 Jan, 2009
The outlook for 2009 is far from certain and there is considerable debate as to whether the market has bottomed, and whether we will see any substantial recovery within the next 12 months.
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