Articles for: Australia
I wish I could have you open your first TTN for 2009 with good news from Tom. Alas the future is still unclear.
Ken Paddison
19 Dec, 2008
Could there be a Christmas rally this year after all?
Mathew Barnes
19 Dec, 2008
Trading is a business, but to me, it is also a game.
There’s no doubt that 2008 will go down in history as one of the worst years on financial markets.
Governments panic. Well Governments might say the Feds are independent and it is the Feds who are panicking.
Welcome to Part 11 of my series on the Greeks. In last week’s article we looked at trades that began with a dominant Greek and how to manage that Greek throughout the life of the trade.
Mathew Barnes
15 Dec, 2008
In my article last week, I wrote that I believed the Euro had finished its run down, and was now in a position to consolidate before continuing its move up.
Global economic crisis notwithstanding, it’s a safe bet that many Australians will devote a sizeable part of the family budget to buying gifts for friends and family.
‘Peter’, a SharesBulletin subscriber asked – some time ago so sorry Peter about the delay – for a review of the AUD/USD. And I thought it would be of interest to TTN readers also.
Well, it is the silly season and that’s one of the “silly” things about options.