Articles for: Australia
John Jeffery
31 Aug, 2007
This may sound unseasonable. Most market commentators are beginning to come around to the idea that the current pullback was an expected correction and things are going to waltz along as before.
And thank you for those of you who wrote in with very sincere concern for my state of mind. I am sorry if I alarmed you but I have found getting things off my chest a calming process.
The week went from renewed confidence after the US Federal Reserve cut discount rates by 0.5% to renewed worrying about the still-unfolding US sub-prime mortgage saga.
Not sure if it’s been quite a decade but it does not matter. I sold down and tried my hardest to be a bear and I had a miserable week. It confirmed all I have always believed.
Because by the time this goes to print I will be back going long again. I just can’t help myself. Maybe I have an addiction. Maybe I have a problem.
John Jeffery
10 Aug, 2007
Meteorology involves collecting large amounts of data from many different sources in order to predict what the weather will do.
Taking a contrarian view is often what trading (and investing) is all about.
Why it is that round figures loom large?
Trading a break of a trend line is one of the oldest technical trading methods around.
Noel Campbell
18 Dec, 2006
Many investors right now will be watching the equities markets with baited breath, wondering what is going to happen next!?!