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Articles for: Australia

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Tom Scollon 18 Aug, 2003
Day One snorkelling around the Whitsundays put paid to any honest intentions I had of doing some serious “markets” research!
Tom Scollon image

Risk Management - What A Bore

Tom Scollon 18 Aug, 2003
Most Australians have a need to accumulate wealth for retirement. Surveys indicate that generally few people truly understand how much capital is required to retire in a life style to which they have been accustomed.
Tom Scollon image

Dow Is Stubborn Not The Editor

Tom Scollon 11 Aug, 2003
The Dow has been bound between 9000 and 9300 – give or take – for almost two months now hitting a low of 8999 during the week. It has been feigning a continuing rally, which so far has been thwarted.
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Global Futures

Tom Scollon 11 Aug, 2003
Trading Tutors has a large number of readers who trade futures, so in response to many requests I am reviewing some futures markets to quickly scan for interesting emerging trends.
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Which Options For You?

Tom Scollon 4 Aug, 2003
When considering the options market the trader faces the choice of either the local Australian market or the U.S. Options market.
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Stay With The Big Picture

Tom Scollon 21 Jul, 2003
Even though the US market ran strongly on Friday there are doubts still lurking.

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