Articles for: Trading Psychology
Strong emotions and successful trading do not mix. I have often made the point that trading needs to be boring.
There is a lot of fear around, maybe rightly so. There is also a lot of exaggeration out there, maybe wrongly so.
You don''t have to struggle to get more money into your life.
What motivates you? Is it pain or pleasure? Most people would answer “Pleasure”. Experience shows otherwise. Think of two scenarios for a moment: 1) you make 10,000 in the market 2) you lose 10,000 in the market.
I was talking to a client at the recent Trading Tactics on Sunday 14 September.
At the risk of sounding like your doctor, your primary school teacher or your spouse,
The key word in the title of this article is “Finding”. One of the questions we are frequently asked as Trading Tutors is “What is the best market for me to trade?”
I can predict your future. You can too. Your future is in your unconscious mind.
Let’s say you have a teenage son. He is generally good at sporting activities and particularly good at tennis.
If you are a tennis fan, you would have watched the marathon court action between Nadal and Federer in the Wimbledon Final.