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Many times in trading tutors there has been a focus on domestic markets, and when branching out to international markets the tendency is to look at the United States.
From time to time it is interesting to look back on previous articles and topics covered, to review the events that have taken place since, especially when comments on future market movements have been made.
You are outdoors on a sunny day. You are holding a piece of paper in your hands, pointing it towards the sun. You hold for five minutes and nothing happens.
If I write one more word on the giddy heights of our local market I expect I will be branded a party pooper. Yes, right now you have to go with the flow – the direction is up, and volumes are strong indicating the big boys are still buying with gay abandon.
Trading in a futures market is not an area where the unfamiliar should tread. There are a number of traps for new players to watch out for and some lessons seemingly can only be taught through experience.