WMR – Keeping On A Good Thing Aaron Lynch 8 Oct, 2004 WMR has been a good news story with solid moves from September this year. You may recall in the Trading Tutors edition #74 that I noted strong support at $4.80 and the potential for a price breakout on the upside.
Fibonacci On The ASX 8 Oct, 2004 To the initiated you may be able to pass off Leonardo Pisano Fibonacci as a 15th century painter or sculptor.
Stress And Balance 8 Oct, 2004 What is stress and how does it affect you and your trading? Stress is any emotional, physical, social, economic or mental factor that requires a response or change.
As Good As It Gets? 1 Oct, 2004 The newspapers would have it that it does not get any better. The old adage that when the market hits the headlines then it is time to go.
Constructing a Price Forecast on the Nikkei 1 Oct, 2004 Having just finished a seminar in Singapore, I have been inspired this week to write about some analysis put together when speaking with one of our enthusiastic new Singaporean clients.