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Price v Value - by Roger Montgomery

15 Nov, 2002
Many investors experience losses and some experience losses that are larger than others. There is however a happy band of methodical investors, whose losses are minimised and returns almost certain. These investors are value investors and focus on the underlying business as separate to the trading price.

How to be Trendy - by Dale Gilham

15 Nov, 2002
One thing remains consistent over the many years that I have assisted traders and investors; that is the confusion in understanding trends. What constitutes a trend? Where does it start? At what point should I buy and sell? And lastly, how do I draw a trend line?

Advanced Scanning With the Market Scanner

This document is designed to assist you to understand advanced features within the market scanner and follows on from the Introduction to the Market Scanner document. We'll start by going through a few of the more advanced features and then look at converting a trading strategy to a scan.

Introduction to the Market Scanner

This document is designed to assist you to understand the fields within the scan criteria parameters. Once you understand what these parameter fields mean and how they can be adjusted, you are on your way to creating your own scans.

Definitions of Fundamental Data Fields

The following document outlines the fundamental data fields included in your HUBB software product. This information is provided for education purposes only and should not be interpreted as trading advice.

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