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The Spread on Lend Lease

Following on from last week’s article, this week’s topic is spreads. I am confident in saying that the majority of option traders begin using straight long puts and calls.

Option Basics

As a rule, Australian Exchange Traded Options control 1,000 shares, while US Options control 100 Shares. An example would be $12.00 BHP Call expiring March ’04 on the ASX, which controls 1,000 Shares. If this Option is trading at $0.59 per share, then each contract will be worth $590.

My trading success has been due to a couple of big wins

I do not think that my best trade is an indication of my trading success! My trading success has been due to a couple of big wins but mostly to keeping my losses small. A principle that SITM teaches.
Anne-Marie H, VIC

Treasures in Treasuries

This week’s article will be a bonus for those who are embarking on the journey that is learning how to trade the markets using the techniques of W.D. Gann.

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