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Well I hate to do it, but let’s just get the caveats out of the way right off the bat.
We all have things that we don’t like to talk about. For example, traders by and large are loath to discuss losing trades.
The ferocity of the stock market decline in the month of August (which proved once again that modern day politicians can take any situation and make it far worse) took many investors by surprise (Hi, my name is Jay).
The great unspoken irony of option trading is that the “good news” and the ‘bad news” are one and the same.
First, the condensed good news – Happy days are here again! Now to the story behind the story.
Back in the day, late night host Johnny Carson used to do a bit called “Karnak the Magnificent.
A lot of people – myself included – spend a lot of time analyzing various stock market sectors looking for the next “big mover.
Well that was quite a run! Since the end of October 2008 through last week the price of silver rose from $8.40 an ounce to almost $50 an ounce, including almost doubling in price from late January through the end of April.
We are bombarded these days with so much “important” news and “useful” information that many investors tend to fall into one of two categories – 1)...
One key to long term investment success is deciding which information to consider and which to ignore.
