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Tom Scollon

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From farmer to high school teacher to successful investor and financial advisor, Tom Scollon's career path has been diverse. Yet this interesting mix has resulted in far-reaching experience in a range of industries and enabled him to enjoy unmitigated success trading the markets. He has invested successfully on the Australian stockmarket for more than 20 years trading equities, options and other financial instruments using technical analysis techniques to determine trends and chart market movements. Tom believes that studying simple trends such as price and volume can reveal much about a stock’s prospects. He uses technical indicators such as “On Balance Volume”, “Bollinger Bands” and “Elliott Wave” to predict where the market might head next. He is a great teacher and in his articles he translates his views into easy-to-understand concepts for all levels of traders, and has thus developed a strong following over the years.

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The End Is Nigh

17 Dec, 2004

Yes the end of 2004 is nigh.

This is the last ‘full’ version of Trading Tutors Newsletter this year as we anticipate that come this time next week you will be very much in the Christmas season spirit.

2005 - The Global Drivers

10 Dec, 2004
Whilst the internal drivers for the local economy are still very sound, the global economic picture is not a universally robust one. We will look at likely growth rates for the key economic blocs and attempt an overall assessment of our economy and in turn our equities market.

A Hung Dow?

29 Oct, 2004

Heaven forbid!

The world anxiously awaits a USA election result, even if for the most cynical it simply takes this marathon political event off their front pages and TV screens. The world wants to get on with life.

Blind Freddie...You’re a Genius

17 Sep, 2004
Yes I can see the headline long after the dust has settled down post election. It will be a political heading not too far from the one a couple of elections ago stating "even a drover’s dog" could lead a certain political party to victory. But the dog failed.

Timing Is Everything

3 Sep, 2004
Markets go up, they go down. The secret to making money is one of timing – largely.

Feeling like a cork bobbing around in the Ocean?

27 Aug, 2004
We are well into the reporting season and one that has produced a mixed bag of results. If we were achieving these earnings levels 18 months ago we would all be ecstatic. But as we have been enjoying the good times even more good news can be so easily diluted.

Invest In Yourself

13 Aug, 2004
Last weekend I presented the share market section of what I thought was a very high powered three-day Investment Seminar. The key note presenter was a most impressive speaker and also a very successful investor in his own right.

Editor: Gold To $650 - In Your Dreams!

9 Jul, 2004
I was not an early convertee to the gold story although I have been in and out of gold stocks over the years. Certainly gold had a great run up from July to December 2003.

Editor: All About SharesBulletin

25 Jun, 2004
There are Traders and Investors.

And even within these two broad classifications we come in many different species. I do not know two people that trade or invest in the same way.

Editor: What's Bugging The Markets?

17 May, 2004
A few months ago all news was good news, now all news is bad news – no matter how good it may be – how our perspective has changed!
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